It's been a few days since I've updated! I've been basically attached to the UCF math placement test website, I took a practice test and realized I do not like computer testing...(EEP) After my first 3 hours, I began doing the working through the study tips for the real test, and so far I've clocked about 20 hours doing ALGEBRA. I just graduated and I completed Calculus, very successfully! Now, I'm struggling with little algebra, it's been too long! BUT about half of it is material I recently learned.
Anyway, I leave for college in 3 WEEKS. I only have 2 more Sundays of the church I've attended the past few years, and then I'm on my own to find my own church and go, on my own will... it's pretty exciting. :) I can't wait for orientation to get a student ID and feel like a real 'college kid!'
^^^I get this in about 9 days,
I'm kind of excited to have it.... ha ha. |