Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mom's going to miss me...!

Today, I brought up the idea of going out with a friend tomorrow on Memorial Day to her lake house.  Mom started crying, I think she's realizing I'm less than a month from heading off to college! (eeeep!) Needless to say, I chose to stay at home with the family.

I'm extremely excited, but I can't have my mom home and upset, so I decided to attempt to make her a bound scrapbook, not the glue and do-it-yourself kind(we have different tastes in those which was discovered during the Senior Scrapbook Project....) this seemed like a more practical and durable route!

Hope it turns out great and she cries tears of JOY love her to death!


Saturday, May 28, 2011

High School Graduation, check!

Graduation actually happened, a lot faster than I expected... (eeep!)

When you start school at such a young age -- for me it was 2, almost 3-- you never think the day is going to come where you get to wear the completely unflattering hat and walk across the stage to shake a few hands of elderly people and get a piece of paper saying you spent all of your life so far learning. 

Now that it's over, as of 8 days ago, I decided I wanted to write about my preparations, anxieties and goals for college! as well as other various and far more exciting things of course.

Hope you enjoy reading my daily goofs, mistakes and hopefully achievements!
